Monday 23 April 2012

Welcome to the Teddy Defender Blog!

Hello and welcome to the Teddy Defender Blog!

Teddy Defender is a Tower Defense game developed by Team RED, a collection of students from Teesside University. The game was released on April 8th 2012 for the XBOX Live Indie Marketplace.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Now available on the XBOX LIVE Indie Marketplace!

Teddy Defender is now available on the XBOX LIVE Indie Marketplace, and is available for only 80 Microsoft Points!

A free trial is also available to download, however has the following limitations:

- Limited to 8 minutes
- Limited to 2 enemies (Spider and Wasp)
- Limited to 1 boss (The Evil Bear)

The full version will give you all of the enemies, plus unlock the leaderboards! 

If you need any more information, Microsoft has set up a page for Teddy Defender here, which places the download automatically in your queue, the next time you turn on your XBOX!

If you want to find Teddy Defender on the Marketplace:
  1. Go to the Games Tab
  2. Go to Downloadable Games
  3. Click on the Indie box
  4. Either look through "T" to find our game listed, or look through the newest releases.
After 6 months of development, our game has been certified by the Microsoft Indie Community - and has been approved for the marketplace. It's been a long and exciting journey!

If you encounter any issues or problems with the game, please leave us a comment - or send us an email at

Thank you, and enjoy the game!

Team Red